When You Feel Stressed Out Starting Something New: Battle with Stress

Post by Aarbaj Mundaganur (Reading Time: 2 min 30 sec)

image shows lots of sticky notes with notion that you feel overwhelmed

As students and professionals, we are always on a journey to learn new skills. You may have tried to learn a new programming language, play a musical instrument, try out a new workout, or venture into developing a startup idea. In the beginning, you are in a phase of excitement fueled by your desire to succeed. But, as days go by and you hit your first hurdle, it becomes real. And sadly, lots of people suddenly give up on the idea altogether.

Even if you survive your first obstacle, there will be more to follow. And now the fuel of desire to succeed is on low. The next wave of I am not ready for this, it's not worth it, it wasn't going to happen will hit your ship like a wild hurricane. Most of us will grab lifeboats and return. You will have heard there is no shortcut to success. But, the road to success is a labyrinth of ups and downs. You have to keep your boat floating over waters towards your destination.

When asked about the secret to success, Bill Gates said," There is no secret. I simply showed my plan to 1200 people, and only 300 signed up. There were only 35 that were serious. Out of these 35, 11 made me a multi-millionaire." 

When starting something new, it is normal to feel overwhelmed. You don't have to solve all difficulties at once. You have to focus on the problem at hand and keep on solving. When you solve your problem it will provide you the strength for the obstacles to come. You may fail, but try to fail better next time, fail forward. There is no shame in failing. If you fail and you think everybody is going to know that you failed, remember this at least you will have failed in something that most people are afraid of even trying.

Someone said it best," Life is a marathon, not a sprint." Life is filled with hardships and disappointments. You win some, you lose some. But, getting stressed out by things that are not working out as you planned, is not going to help you. It can be overwhelming sometimes to know that you have a long way to your destination. It can discourage you from your path, but the thing to remember here is to try to do better each day.

When you feel perplexed at any point on your journey, try following steps,

  1. Take a break.
  2. Remember why you started this.
  3. Talk about it within your circle of trust. 
  4. Ask for help.
  5. Try to tackle the problems from a new perspective.

You don't have to succeed in the first try. Remember Edison, he failed more than 1000 times, but his take away was now he knew 1000 ways that don't work. Don't give up on your dreams.      

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