This images shows the various parts of digital marketing such as- pay per click, social media marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing, mobile marketing, affiliate marketing, marketing automation, and content marketing
February 18, 2021

Digital Marketing: Everything You Need To Start

By Aarman Mundaganur

As you can see in the above graph, Digital Marketing has seen a powerful rise in interest worldwide over the past few years. In this post, we will give a basic introduction to various terms of digital marketing.

Questions answered about Digital Marketing in this post,

Common digital marketing questions
What is Digital Marketing?
What is Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising?
What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?
What is Content Marketing?
What is Social Media Marketing?
What is Email Marketing?
What is Mobile Marketing?
What is Marketing Automation?
What is Affiliate Marketing?
Why digital marketing is needed?
How digital marketing functions?
How digital marketing increases sales?
Digital Marketing Questions Answered In This Post

What is Digital Marketing?

This images shows the various parts of digital marketing such as- pay per click, social media marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing, mobile marketing, affiliate marketing, marketing automation, and content marketing
Digital Marketing

Digital marketing combines all marketing efforts that promote your product or brand using electronic devices or the internet. It contains online marketing tactics like search marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, and mobile marketing to connect with current and future customers.

Considering high-level digital marketing, it contains promotions done with the help of search engines, websites, email, social media, etc. following are some digital marketing activities,

Paid search, or pay-per-click (PPC) advertising

Image shows text for Pay per click or paid search or ppc advertising
Pay Per Click (PPC)

In this type of digital marketing, the advertiser pays each time a user clicks on an online advertisement. In this way, they get paid a visit to the site instead of earning visits originally.

Search Engine Optimization

Image shows text for Search engine optimization or SEO
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

It is a process for improving the quality and quantity of traffic for the website. It can be done by finding relevant keywords, optimizing, and creating a page for search engines and users.

Improving the quality of website traffic requires that potential users must be reached, and then increasing their number of visits on website results in improving quantity.

Content Marketing

Image shows various social media platforms such as-Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, Vimeo, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. for Content Marketing
Content Marketing

In this type of marketing, the main focus is on creating, publishing, and distributing the content for the specific or potential web user online. It is used for attracting and generating leads.

Also for expanding the customer base for businesses. This helps the company in building trust and future product purchasing customers.

Social Media Marketing

Image shows image of connected people network, social media platform names such as-Facebook, Twitter, blogs, news, films and forums to promote activities like 'share', 'comment', 'find','like','group' etc. for Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing

It is as the word indicates, using social media platforms for communicating and building trust with the users. Also for increasing the sales, improving traffic on the website.

There can be different ways for social media marketing like social networking, microblogging, photo sharing, video sharing, etc..

Email Marketing

Image shows lots of mail envelops flying as part of email marketing
Email Marketing

In email marketing, the emails are used as a commercial message to the group of people. By doing this every potential or current customer comes under this email marketing.

The email can contain advertisement, request business, sales, etc.. It can be a fast, flexible, and cost-effective way of reaching new customers and retaining the current customers to revisit the website.

Mobile Marketing

Image shows use of mobiles to connect directly with potential clients for mobile marketing
Mobile Marketing

It is a kind of digital marketing in which the targeted audience is reached on their smartphones, tablets, or mobile devices. It is done via SMS, MMS, websites, emails, social media, and apps.

It is very powerful marketing because almost 80% of internet users own a smartphone. It can be done by various types such as app-based marketing, in-game mobile marketing, mobile search, ads, SMS, etc..

Marketing Automation

Image shows text Marketing automation with gears as a symbol for automation which creates profits as a part of Marketing Automation
Marketing Automation

It is a platform for designing software and technologies for marketing. These are for the marketing department and organization to more effectively adverting, market, expand online on multiple platforms like email, social media, websites, etc. and automate the repetitive tasks.

It is mainly used for planning, coordinating, managing, and measuring all of their marketing campaigns both online and offline.

Affiliate Marketing

Image shows example of affiliate marketing- as an person is affiliating clothes and other person over the phone buys it.
Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is nothing but the process of earning a commission by promoting other people’s or company’s products. In this, for each sale, you will earn some small profit that you make.

In this type of marketing, an affiliate is a salesperson for the company. For every sale by the affiliate, the company rewards them. It is done by unique links for proper marketing.

Why digital marketing is needed?

In this World of Internet, Digital Marketing has become a need. There are more than 3 billion web users on the planet, so it’s exceptionally straightforward the significance of Digital Marketing.

For any Small and Medium Enterprises, digital marketing is essential to make it fruitful, increment in income, and for the development. The web is a basic piece of everybody’s life, and consumers love utilizing the internet and that is the best open door for Small and Medium Enterprises.

Following are some important reasons why digital marketing is needed,

The digital platform is where people spend their most time
Competitors are already using digital marketing
You can compete with larger corporations
You can target your ideal audience
You can monitor your campaigns and optimize them for better results
You get an impressive return on your investment (ROI)
Reasons why digital marketing is needed

How digital marketing functions?

The working procedures of digital marketing and traditional marketing are the same. Creating advertising and delivering it to consumers. Let us assume you have to buy something that is the first thing you do? you go online and find the product and check its reviews then take decisions.

It shows your final buying decision is influenced by the digital content which is on the internet. hence online presence for organizations and marketing their products on digital media is necessary.

Following are some steps which come under digital marketing process,

Creating content
Social presence
Engaging with the audience
Search engine optimization
Paid traffic
Email marketing
Basic steps in digital marketing process

These are the basic steps to follow digital marketing. There can be extra steps according to need. When this all steps combine it makes the digital marketing process.

How digital marketing increases sales?

If you go to the mall, how much time you spend in one store? In week how Many times you go to the mall? It shows traditional marketing is inadequate to engage consumers but on the other hand, Digital marketing engages consumers on the internet platform where they spend a lot of time.

Digital marketing is like a beacon of hope for small scale industries and businesses. It gives them the chance of getting known, competing with big businesses and a great chance of long-term survival.

Digital marketing helps in the more targeted focus of the organization. Digital platform makes it easy platforms to sell and buy. Digital marketing gives more Return On Investment comparing to traditional marketing.