Author: Shahabaj Mundaganur

February 22, 2021

8 Tips For Students Traveling Abroad For Higher Education

I moved to Buffalo, New York, to pursue my higher education in Electrical Engineering. I am still getting accustomed to a new place. It has been an extraordinary experience. I am sharing some tips that benefitted me in my journey from India to the USA.

August 8, 2020

William Ernest Henley: Poet as a Patient

William is a one-legged poet and an inspiration for the most colorful and complex character Long John Silver in an adventure novel Treasure Island. He is most famous for his poem “Invictus” written in 1875 and published in the year 1888.

July 28, 2020

Gregor Johann Mendel: Story of a Man Ahead of His Time

This post is about the Mendel’s amazing tale of unrecognized potential that changed the world as we know it. He was simply ahead of his time. He continued his research till he died despite of many hurdles in his path and left his mark on the world.

July 4, 2020

Motivational Poems: Not bound by Time

Such old poems have missed industrialization, two world wars, the boom of modernization, satellites, smartphones, and Mars rovers.And yet, when I read or listen to one of such poems, they feel as much as relevant today as they were a century ago.