Be the best of whatever you are
June 29, 2020

Be The Best of Whatever You Are

By Shahabaj Mundaganur

I read this century-old poem a few days ago. American poet Douglas Malloch (1877-1938) wrote the poem, “Be The Best of Whatever You Are.”
The poem resonated with me as though being so obviously old, it still was relevant today.

Images shows text on a old historic paper "Be The Best of Whatever You Are- by Doughlas Malloch"
Be The Best of Whatever You Are-by Doughlas Malloch (American poet 1877-1938)

At first, I thought this poem must be about being the BEST in what you do. But, I had mistaken the poet’s intention, it was about being your own best self and not just being the best at what you do.

If you want to listen to the poem, you can click on the following video,

4amLife Youtube channel-Be The Best of Whatever You Are

We have all taken part in the Comparing Game where we have compared ourselves to siblings, friends, classmates, relatives, seniors, and even to celebrities. It took me a long time to understand that this is not only pointless but irrelevant as well. You can not compare apples and oranges, even if they are two apples they can be from two different branches, trees, farms, geographic areas, or under the care of different people. So it would not be an apposite comparison. We can compare ourselves only to our past self.

Image shows how we try to show pointless comparison of apples with oranges.
Pointless Comparison of apples and oranges

It can be overwhelming sometimes to know that you have a long way to your destination. It can discourage you from your path, but the thing to remember here is to try to be better each day, you can even take baby steps, but don’t give up. Even if you fail, at least you tried and are better at it than how you started. Keep going. Never ever give up.

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Image shows text- Never ever Give Up
Never Ever Give Up