8 Tips when traveling from India to usa
February 22, 2021

8 Tips For Students Traveling Abroad For Higher Education

By Shahabaj Mundaganur

I moved to Buffalo, New York, to pursue my higher education in Electrical Engineering. I am still getting accustomed to a new place. It has been an extraordinary experience. I am sharing some tips that benefitted me in my journey from India to the USA.

Moving to a new country is exciting but can also make you feel nervous. For me, I started feeling homesick even before I left my home. It will take some time to adjust to the new time zone, weather, and culture. I hope my tips help you. 

Some tips that I think will be helpful for students or anyone moving to a new country,

  1. Research the weather of the place you are moving to. I moved to Buffalo, New York, in December. I knew it was going to be very cold, I prepared well in advance.
  2. Finding your way around can be difficult in a new place. Ask for help, don’t be shy about it. Ask students who are already there.
  3. Locating markets and grocery stores was my priority. Try to find the stores near your accommodation. You can use Google for this, but I will suggest talking to students. It can help you open up and simply make friends.
  4. Try to be open-minded about local cultures and customs. A polite smile and friendly greetings are always welcome. 
  5. I am conflicted on this one. I made living accommodations before I came here. Some prefer to book temporary accommodation and finalize when they get here. Look for in-house amenities, near-by transport, grocery stores, and at last but not least friendly neighbors/ housemates.    
  6. You will feel homesick. Know this is normal. I try to keep in contact with friends and family back at home. Also, I am making new friends here as well. Socializing (even online due to COVID) can also help you reduce some stress and feeling of homesickness.      
  7. If you are a student, try to utilize as much of the University resources offered to International students. Stay in contact with them. If you have a query, email them and ask for guidance. They will help you or will connect you to the right person. 
  8. Moving to a new country is a big task. Allow yourself some time to settle in. Don’t rush it. I am learning something new every day.        

People I have interacted with have been very supportive and kind. I want to thank all of you for making me feel welcome in a new place. And I hope to do the same for someone someday.